Archive for the ‘hand sanitizer’ Category

Oh My Gosh, No More Hand Wash

September 3, 2016

Recently the FDA has demanded that certain hand washing products used in antibacterial soaps be removed from the store shelves in drug stores and food stores.  The FDA has shown that manufacturers failed to show they are safe and kill germs and that some of the hand washing products provide no benefits over regular soap.

The FDA has mandated that products containing triclosan and triclocarban must be removed from stores within a year which are present in 40% of the soaps on the market.

I might point out that hand sanitizers and wipes designed to be used without water and containing more than 50% alcohol are not affected by the new rules.

Numerous studies have shown that simple hand washing with plain soap and water is the most effective way to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.

It is important not to panic about the FDA ruling as the rule is intended for products that require use with water, and does not include hand sanitizers or wipes.

Bottom Line:  Handwashing before eating and after going to restroom is highly recommended as an effective means of reducing infections and transmission of disease.  Washing with plain soap and running water remains one of the most important steps consumers can take to avoid getting sick and to prevent spreading germs to others. If you choose to use a hand sanitizer instead, then I suggest using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.  So wash up!