Archive for the ‘permanent sterilization’ Category

Vasectomy For Male Contraception-What Are the Alternatives?

October 10, 2014

A vasectomy is a method of male birth control that should be considered carefully as it is, for the most part, a permanent form of sterilization. The procedure using the no-scalpel, no needle technique can be done in minutes. However, reversing the vasectomy takes several hours in the operating room and is usually not covered by insurance. Before you move forward with a vasectomy, it is important to review vasectomy alternatives that are available.  If you have any doubts about having children in the future, you should explore temporary birth control options.

Tubal ligation, commonly referred to as getting your ‘tubes tied,’ is a procedure used for female sterilization. The fallopian tubes, the small tubes that transport the egg or ovum from the ovary to the uterus, are closed off by various methods (severed, sealed or pinched) to block the eggs from reaching the uterus.


Essure is a permanent method of birth control where small metal coils are placed in the fallopian tubes. The coils cause scar tissue to form, which blocks the eggs from reaching the uterus. The coils are inserted vaginally during a hysteroscopy procedure. Unlike tubal ligation, there are no incisions or anesthesia used. Birth control is needed for several months after the procedure until the scar tissue has completely formed.

Bottom Line: Vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of contraception. If there is a possibility that you might want more children in the future, I suggest that you consider temporary forms of birth control that are non-surgical. There are a variety of options available including condoms, birth control pills, cervical cap, diaphragm and, yes, abstinence!