Archive for the ‘tamsulosin’ Category

Sex As a Treatment For Kidney Stones-Who’d Thunk Kidney Stones Would Be So Much Fun!

August 3, 2015

Kidney stones is a common condition affection millions of American men and women. The pain associated with the passage of a stone is extraordinarily painful and is considered one of mankind’s most painful experiences. The treatment is usually hydration, tincture of time and lots of pain medication including narcotics. One of the drugs used to hasten the passage of kidney stones is tamsulosin which relaxes the muscles in the ureter, the tube between the kidney and the bladder.

Having sex 3-4 times a week was associated with a significantly greater stone passage rate than tamsulosin or standard medical therapy.
A Turkish study randomly assigned 90 male patients with stones in the ureter to 1 of 3 treatment arms: sexual intercourse 3–4 times a week (group 1); tamsulosin 0.4 mg/day (group 2); and standard medical therapy (controls, group 3).
After 2 weeks, 26 (83.9%) of 31 patients in the sexual intercourse group passed their stones compared with 10 (47.6%) of patients in the tamulosin group and 8 (34.8%) of patients in the control arm,

The investigators postulate that nitric oxide released during erection and sexual intercourse may affect the ureters, causing relaxation of ureteral muscle similar to tamsulosin.

Bottom Line: Sexual intercourse is not expensive, does not require a prescription, and just may be lots of fun when you are experiencing pain due to a kidney stone.