Posts Tagged ‘testicular congestion’

Blue Balls-Sex and Painful Testicles

May 12, 2013

You are a young man. Just getting started with sex and engage in heavy petting resulting in sexual arousal. After 45 minutes of heavy petting, you have an ache and discomfort in your testicles. What is this? What should you do?

Blue balls are not just a figment of a male’s imagination or a lame excuse to try and get you in the sack. Though it doesn’t happen to all men, it is a very real condition that results from a prolonged state of sexual arousal. When a guy is physically turned on, blood flows to his penis, which is what gives him an erection, which is a good thing, and his testicles, causing them to swell, not such a good thing! If he doesn’t ejaculate, there is a buildup of pressure, and his supersensitive testicles start to hurt. The sensation can range from a mild ache to worse-than-getting-kicked-in-the-crotch pain.

Bottom line: Blue balls are not dangerous, and a young man can resolve it. The easiest solution is for the man to masturbate as an orgasm and ejaculation will cause the congestion in the penis and scrotum to abate. Just as the erection will subside after an ejaculation, the congestion around the testicles will also subside and the pain will go away. If the young man has an aversion to masturbation, then just waiting it out is also a solution as the blood will eventually drain, and any discomfort will disappear on its own.