Posts Tagged ‘sexual dysfunction’

Low Testosterone and Sexual Problems From Pain Pills

May 4, 2015

Men with chronic pain in any location but commonly for low back pain who use potent analgesic (Oxycontin, Percocet, Oxycodone) medication are at risk for lowering the testosterone level or the hormone produced in the testicles that is responsible for sex drive or libido. Consequently some men who use pain medications for a long period of time may have sexual problems, lethargy and fatigue.

Narcotic pain tablets such as Percocet™, Oxycodone™, Roxycodone™ and Oxycontin™ come with severe adverse side effects associated with narcotics addiction.

Adverse Effects of Long Term Pain Pills (Opiates)
Narcotic Pain Pills (opioids) are highly addictive with severe adverse effects related to drug withdrawal. Opiate containing narcotic pain pills are highly effective for short term use for pain, but were never intended for long term use. Over time, these drugs cause profound suppression of the endocrine system, and in men, profound inhibition of testosterone production.

Low Testosterone Goes Largely Unrecognized
Although quite common, opioid-induced androgen deficiency and has gone largely unrecognized by the medical profession. Low testosterone is caused by opioid drug inhibition of LH (Luteinizing Hormone), a pituitary hormone involved in testosterone production, as well direct inhibition of testosterone production, itself. Similarly, there is also inhibition of the entire endocrine system, and adrenal hormone suppression. Symptoms of low testosterone include fatigue, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, and diminished sexual arousal and satisfaction. Men may also develop osteoporosis, anemia, and diminished muscle mass.

These drugs also have a negative impact on women. Women who consume opioid-pain pills will stop having menstrual cycles and will notice greatly diminished libido (sex drive).
Testosterone Treatment Effective and Recommended by Mainstream Medicine
Administration of both topical (transdermal) testosterone and injectable testosterone has been studied and found effective for men with low testosterone on pain pills.

Opiate Detoxification Program is Essential
The reality is that hormone supplementation and nutritional supplementation for the long term opiate pain pill user is only a temporary band aid. To fully restore health, the opiate addiction must be addressed and the patient must ultimately get off the pain pills. Drug withdrawal may be difficult because of severe drug withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, we refer the patient to a center that specializes in narcotics detoxification, and urge the patient to strongly consider this option.

Bottom Line: Opioid pain medication is helpful for short term use. However, use of these addicting drugs for chronic pain can result in sexual problems in both men and women. For those who have sexual problems, consider seeing a pain management specialist, find alternative methods of pain relief, and using testosterone replacement therapy.

Non Medical Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

November 9, 2014

Testosterone is the male hormone produced in the testicles and it is responsible for man’s sex drive. Low testosterone levels can impact a man’s sexual performance. This blog will discuss life-style changes that men can make to improve their testosterone levels.

The sex hormone testosterone is often touted as helping men maintain their vitality and virility, but levels begin to dip naturally by about 1 percent a year after age 30. Signs that your testosterone may be declining more rapidly include loss of energy, decreased sex drive, irritation or anger, and trouble sleeping.
Although testosterone supplementation is effective, there are risks and side effects that make life style changes a more attractive alternative. There are many tried and true drug-free and hormone-free ways to maintain testosterone levels.

Deep Six the Sauce (Alcohol)
A glass of wine with dinner is no problem, but overdrinking is not a good idea. Moderate alcohol consumption for men is a max of two drinks a day, with one being a 5-ounce glass of wine.

Shed Some Pounds
Being overweight or obese can increase risk for heart disease and certain cancers, but extra weight also increase the risk for low testosterone levels. Research published in Diabetes Care in June 2010 showed that 40 percent of obese men had lower-than-normal testosterone readings, and this percentage increased to 50 percent among obese men with diabetes. Weight loss can be a hormone-free way to combat low T. A benefit of weight loss for obese men is that the penis will appear to be longer because of the loss of the abdominal fat. I usually tell men that every 30 pound weight loss increases the length of the penis by 1.5 inches.

Send Out a Stress SOS
A study done at the University of Texas at Austin in 2010 suggested that the stress hormone cortisol may block the beneficial testosterone. When our stress levels are up, our testosterone can go down.

Regular exercise helps reduce stress levels as well as help you maintain a normal weight, so it packs a double whammy against low testosterone levels. Other stress reduction techniques, like deep breathing, can also serve as natural testosterone support.

Take a Big Dose of Vitamin “E”-Exercise
Exercise can help maintain your testosterone levels and avoid some of the symptoms of low T.
Research in the September 2011 issue of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research backs this up. The study showed that a 4-week sprint-interval training program helped boost testosterone levels in a drug-free fashion among wrestlers.

Sleep And Sex
A small study conducted at the University of Chicago School of Medicine found that men who slept less than five hours a night for one week had lower levels of testosterone than when they had a full night’s sleep.
When you are sleep deprived, it impacts levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which reduces testosterone just like stress can. A sleep-deprived state is a testosterone-deprived state. Everyone’s sleep needs are different, but it’s important that you wake up feeling refreshed.

Avoid Plastic Bottles
The controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) is found in many plastic water bottles as well as in the lining of food and beverage cans, and exposure to this plasticizer may result in low T. BPA can act like the female hormone estrogen in the body, which means it can lower levels of testosterone,
Don’t cook foods wrapped in plastic in the microwave, and try to drink from a glass or a steel thermos. The more flexible a plastic bottle, the more likely it is to leach BPA and affect the testosterone level

Think Zinc
If you take a multivitamin with zinc or eat oysters every day, your zinc levels are probably within the normal range. Aim for 12 to 15 milligrams a day to help stave off low T.

Some Fat Is Your Friend

Men who eat a low-fat diet have lower testosterone, because the body makes testosterone from cholesterol. But this doesn’t mean you should eat unhealthy bad fats. Instead choose healthy fats such as those found in avocado, nuts, and olive oil. These fats will boost testosterone naturally, but they won’t raise blood levels of artery-clogging cholesterol.

Skip the Sugar

Every time you eat sugar, testosterone is decreased, likely because the sugar causes a high insulin level which can decrease the testosterone level.
Bottom Line: Low testosterone levels are a treatable condition that affects millions of men. There are options that don’t require medication that also improve your overall health and wellness.

Healthy Living-Healthy Sex Life: 5 Action Steps To Improve Your Sex Life

July 7, 2014

Millions of American men after age 50 suffer from ED or erectile dysfunction. Many of these men are prescribe drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis which are often successful. However, men can take a non-medical approach to solving ED. This article will discuss five action steps that any man with ED can take to reduce the risk and even treat his problem of ED.

There are five action stseps that can help men with ED. These are proper weight management, adequate sleep, a structured exercise program, limited alcoholic intake and a proper, balanced diet.
Sometimes men need to make changes in their lifestyles. Sexual dysfunction in men is often caused by something that is also life threatening, such as cardiovascular problems. Men who take these lifestyle action steps are often able to go off of medication including increase their sexual performance.

Men who are obese have much lower testosterone levels, which plays a major part in sexual function. I suggest that overweight men lose the pounds by changing their diet and increasing physical activity, which helps in improving erectile problems.

Men who snore should be evaluated for sleep apnea. This is because sleep apnea will interrupt a man’s sleep cycle, affecting the normal cycles of erections that happen during the night. I also recommend that men get adequate sleep, as sleep deprivation can affect a man’s sex drive. A good sign of a good night’s sleep is a man’s early morning erecttion. If that involuntary morning erection is missing, then men are advised to improve their sleep habit.

Without question, a man in good physical health will have a much better sex life. The fitter you are, the better your sex life will be. A structured exercise program is not only a great way to lose weight and decrease obesity, but it also helps a man to feel better about himself and boost his confidence. Regular exercise also boosts his testosterone, which will rev up his desire.

Lowering cholesterol can help increase a man’s testosterone levels, so diet is crucial when it comes to sexual function. Plus, high sugar levels in men with diabetes can affect the function of the nerves in his penis. Men are advised to change their diet to a more nutritionally balanced one, which will lead to an overall better health, aid in weight management and sugar control, which will get the nerves in the penis going again.

Surprisingly, a little alcohol can actually help men with ED. One to two drinks a day decrease the risk of cardiovascular problems – a major cause of erectile dysfunction. But don’t go overboard, this can lead to the reverse effect. Moderation is the key here. Animal studies have shown that high volumes of alcohol cause the penis to contract, which is the opposite of what should be going on during sexual arousal.
Alcohol is a suppressant, and the suppression of the central nervous system will cause a decrease in sensitivity to sexual stimulation.

Bottom Line: ED is a common condition that can significantly impact a man’s quality of life. Although medications are helpful, men can take alternative non-medical solutions to get his ED back on track. Not only are these suggestions helpful for controlling ED, they lead to overall health improvement in so many other areas of a man’s life.

What Did You Say? Impotence Linked to Hearing Loss

November 3, 2013

A recent study demonstrated that men with sudden hearing loss may be at risk for impotence or erectile dysfunction.  The risk of the possibility of erectile dysfunction in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss was nearly twofold greater compared to men without any hearing loss. This risk remained increased for up to 4 years. Among 23,212 men who had a first episode of SSHL, the rate of ED was 95% greater than in 46,424 age-matched controls over a minimum follow-up of 4 years. The study was published in Otology & Neurotology.  So if you have sudden hearing loss you need to know that you may be at increased risk of erectile dysfunction.   


Sex and The Senior Man-Help Is Available For Men With ED

January 20, 2013

It wasn’t too long ago that erectile dysfunction (ED) was believed to be a natural part of aging.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Middle age and older men who are healthy and have an opportunity to have sexual intimacy can expect to be successful in the bedroom. 

 Once taboo, ED has emerged from the shadows, thanks in large part to the widespread media attention give to Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. However, a wide variety of treatment options are now available that provide hope for men of any age suffering from ED symptoms. There simply is no reason to suffer in silence, whatever your age.

 Approximately 30 million men in the U.S. suffer from ED. An estimated 50 percent of men at age 50 experience some ED symptoms, and the percentage jumps 10% with each decade in life.

 Most men certainly aren’t willing to accept a decline in our eyesight with age—we use glasses when needed. In much the same way, ED is more than a minor inconvenience and can seriously impact quality of life for men and their partners.

 Related Health Risks

ED is a medical condition and can be an early warning sign of a much more serious condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated cholesterol levels or disease of the blood vessels to the brain, which could lead to stroke. ED symptoms can also be a manifestation of depression.  This makes it even more important to pay attention to your ED symptoms.

 Aside from these physical symptoms, ED can take a serious toll on your overall well-being and mental health, causing strain on your relationships and unnecessary anguish and stress.

 Talk to Your Doctor

Talking to your doctor about your ED symptoms can feel embarrassing or difficult, but there’s no reason to be ashamed or uncomfortable. An active sex life can be just as important to your overall health as is proper nutrition and exercise.

 When you visit the doctor, tell him/her about other medical conditions you may have so you can determine whether your ED may be the symptom of a greater problem. Make a separate appointment to discuss ED, to make sure you have enough time to discuss your concerns. Ask for a referral to a urologist, a doctor who specializes in men’s urinary and sexual health issues.

 Be sure to discuss the all the possible issues surrounding your ED, the hurdles you face in all areas of sexual function, including your ability to get and keep an erection, sensitivity and other issues that may help pinpoint the root cause.

 Treatment Options

For many men, oral medications are not only very safe, but also quite effective. Pills such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are effective for about 70% of men. But for those with other health factors, such as cardiac disease, diabetes, oral medication may not be an option, or they may become less effective over time. For these men, there are a number of other treatment options available, including:

  • Vacuum pump therapy, which requires the use of a small pump to mechanically enhance blood flow and create an erection. These devices are totally noninvasive, but they can be somewhat awkward to use and not conducive to spontaneity.
  • Transurethral suppositories are tiny pellets of medication inserted into the urethra opening – a minimally invasive treatment, but still somewhat uncomfortable. This also requires some advance preparation.
  • Injection therapy, while the concept is disturbing to most men at the start, involves the use of a very fine needle to inject medication to produce an erection. Because of both the psychological and physical discomfort, in spite of high levels of effectiveness, many men do not find this to be a long-term solution. About 50% of men who try injections, do not continue their use.
  • Penile prosthetic implants are surgical devices concealed within the body that restore erectile function to as near natural as possible and still allow for spontaneity. While the concept itself is nothing new, the devices and implantation procedures have evolved considerably to make the procedure quicker and easier on the patient. While implants carry the same risks associated with any surgery, implant procedures generally have extremely high success rates and provide an effective solution for many men. Implants may not be for everyone, but they are a viable option to restore erectile function for most men over the age of 50, and they carry a very high satisfaction rate among patients and partners.

 Choosing a treatment that’s right for you depends on a number of factors, including your relationship status, the importance and level of physical intimacy required, and other health issues. Ask your doctor about the success rate and risks with each option and about what you can reasonably expect in the form of results. It’s unlikely that any treatment will restore erectile function back to the way it was in your younger years, especially with advanced age, but ED treatment can allow all men to enjoy and active and satisfying sex life well into their golden years.

 No matter what your age, it’s important to take that first step and talk to your doctor about ED symptoms. It’s never “normal” at any age to not have normal sexual function. With the wide variety of treatment options available, there’s no longer any reason to ignore the problem as a fact of life.

Bottom Line: ED is not a natural consequence of aging.  Help is available and no one needs to suffer the tragedy of the bedroom.


Modified article by Gerald Brock. By Healthy Aging Admin Published 09/16/2010 Health News

Erectile Dysfunction – Getting It Up With Natural Remedies

August 26, 2012

Mankind has looked for the magic elixir that will help a man obtain and maintain an erection adequate for sexual intimacy. Although there is little scientific evidence that these natural remedies work, there are some that may have a potential to help men with mild sexual problems. This article will review the natural remedies that may be beneficial.
An estimated 30 million American men have erectile dysfunction, and seven out of 10 cases are caused by a potentially deadly condition like atherosclerosis, kidney disease, vascular disease, neurological disease, or diabetes. ED can also be caused by certain medications, surgical procedures on the prostate gland and colon, and psychological problems. Here’s a look at the evidence for and against six of the most popular natural remedies or herbal remedies:

Acupuncture. Though acupuncture has been used to treat male sexual problems for centuries, the scientific evidence to support its use for erectile dysfunction is uncertain. In 2009 South Korean scientists conducted a systematic review of studies on acupuncture for ED. They found that “the evidence is insufficient to suggest that acupuncture is an effective intervention for treating ED.”

Arginine. The amino acid L-arginine, which occurs naturally in food, boosts the body’s production of nitric oxide, a compound that facilitates erections by dilating blood vessels in the penis. Studies examining L-arginine’s effectiveness against impotence have yielded mixed results. A 1999 trial published in the online journal BJU International found that high doses of L-arginine can help improve sexual function, but only in men with abnormal nitric oxide metabolism, such as that associated with cardiovascular disease. In another study, published in 2003 in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, Bulgarian scientists reported that ED sufferers who took L-arginine along with the pine extract pycnogenol saw major improvements in sexual function with no side effects.
One caveat: men with known cardiovascular problems should take it only with a doctor’s supervision; L-arginine can interact with some medications that can affect the heart.

DHEA. Testosterone is essential for a healthy libido and normal sexual function, and erectile dysfunction sufferers known to have low testosterone improve when placed on prescription testosterone replacement therapy. Similarly, studies have shown that taking over-the-counter supplements containing DHEA, a hormone that the body converts to testosterone and estrogen, can help alleviate some cases of ED. But DHEA can cause problems, including suppression of pituitary function, and its long-term safety is unknown.

Ginseng. Korean red ginseng has long been used to stimulate male sexual function, but few studies have tried systematically to confirm its benefits. In one 2002 study involving 45 men with significant ED, the herb helped alleviate symptoms of erectile dysfunction and brought “enhanced penile tip rigidity.” Experts aren’t sure how ginseng might work, though it’s thought to promote nitric oxide synthesis. Again, I suggest that men discuss with their doctor before taking it since ginseng can interact with drugs you may already be taking and cause allergic reactions.

Pomegranate juice. Drinking antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. Does pomegranate juice also protect against ED? No proof exists, but results of a study published in 2007 were promising. The authors of this small-scale pilot study called for additional research, saying that larger-scale studies might prove pomegranate juice’s effectiveness against erectile dysfunction. Pomegranate juice may help ED but it has other health benefits.

Yohimbe. Before Viagra and the other prescription erectile dysfunction drugs became available, doctors sometimes prescribed a derivative of the herb yohimbe (yohimbine hydrochloride) to their patients suffering from ED. But experts say the medication is not particularly effective, and it can cause jitteriness and other problems. Evidence shows that yohimbe is associated with high blood pressure, anxiety, headache, and other health problems. Experts discourage its use.

Horny Goat Weed. Horny goat weed and related herbs have purportedly been treatments for sexual dysfunction for years. Italian researchers found that the main compound in horny goat weed, called icariin, acted in a similar way as drugs like Viagra.

Ginkgo biloba. Known primarily as a treatment for cognitive decline, ginkgo has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction — especially cases caused by the use of certain antidepressant medications. But the evidence isn’t very convincing. One 1998 study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that it did work. But a more rigorous study, published in Human Pharmacology in 2002, failed to replicate this finding.

Bottom Line: No matter what erectile dysfunction treatment or treatments a man ultimately decides upon, it’s important to eat healthy, to avoid smoking and to limit your alcohol consumption. A loving, receptive, and responsive partner is also a necessary ingredient. After all, it takes two to tango!

Prescription For Passion-Testosterone Use In Women

August 12, 2012

Roberta is a middle aged lady who has noted that her sex drive and interest in sex has been reduced to near zero. After watching the movie Hope Springs starring Meryl Streep, Roberta made the decision to go to her doctor and share her situation. She had a blood test that checked her testosterone level and found that she was running on empty. She received a small testosterone pellet under her skin and reports that her “sex light” has been flipped to the on position.
Testosterone is the most celebrated, feared and misunderstood of all human hormones. Our culture lauds this substance’s leading role in male virility and casts it as the villain in acts of violent crime. In truth, testosterone is neither miracle nor monster, but rather, a key player in the complex chemistry of human hormones. When balanced by other hormones, testosterone, also known as androgen, plays a lead role in the health and well-being of both sexes.

Testosterone is known for decades as a male hormone. Testosterone is also made in small amounts by a woman’s ovaries. Just like in a man, a woman’s testosterone is highest around age 20 and slowly declines till it is half as high in her 40s. Women taking testosterone may have more sexual thoughts, fantasies, sexual activity, and satisfaction from sexual intimacy.

At the present time testosterone is not an FDA approved treatment used to raise a woman’s sexual interest, arousal, and satisfaction. Testosterone is available by using a skin patch, gel, cream, or a pellet inserted under the skin as I described for Roberta. Many supplements and herbal medicines, such as DHEA, may interact with testosterone. Be sure to tell your doctor about any nonprescription medicines, supplements, or herbs you are taking before receiving testosterone replacement therapy.
Women with low testosterone levels who might benefit from low-dose testosterone therapy include those who:
▪ Have had their ovaries removed. This causes a sudden drop in testosterone, which may decrease sex drive and satisfaction.
▪ Have a low sex drive that does not seem to be caused by a medicine, nor by relationship or stress-related problems.

Testosterone should be avoided in women who could become pregnant, have or have had breast or uterine cancer, have high cholesterol or heart disease or have liver disease.

Like nearly every medication, testosterone use in women has side effects especially if excessive testosterone is used. You are taking a dose that is too high if you have acne or oily skin, male-pattern hair growth on the face and body, anger and hostility problems, shrinking breast size, hoarseness or a deeper voice, irregular menstrual cycles, if you have been menstruating, or an increase in the size of your clitoris.
Bottom Line: Testosterone is also a necessary hormone for women just as it is for men but at a much lower dosage. Testosterone replacement can be a boon for women with a low sex desire, decrease in fantasies, and decrease enjoyment from sexual intimacy. See you doctor, get your testosterone level checked and if it is decreased, talk to your doctor about receiving testosterone replacement.
For those who want even more information I suggest Dr. Susan Rako’s book, “The Hormone of Desire: The Truth About Sexuality, Menopause and Testosterone.”

Hair Today, Sex Gone Tomorrow-Sexual Side Effects Of Propecia

July 13, 2012

Would You Rather Be Bald Or Impotent?

For more than 15 years Propecia (finasteride) has been prescribed for men for treating male pattern baldness. Now new research documented that the drug is associated with sexual side effects including erectile dysfunction (ED), decrease in libido, and decrease in orgasms. This article will discuss the new research and what you need to know if you are taking or planning to take Propecia.

Male Pattern Baldness

Researchers from George Washington University interviewed 54 men under age 40 who reported side effects for three months or more after taking Propecia. None of the men reported having any sexual, medical or psychiatric problems before they took the drug. Some of the men took the drug for a few weeks, others took it for years, but all of them reported side effects such as erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual drive, problems with orgasms, shrinking and painful genitals, even some neurological problems, such as depression, anxiety and mental fogginess. The side effects lasted for up to a year after stopping the use of Propecia.

In normal men testosterone is converted to DHT and the DHT is responsible for male pattern hair loss. Propecia works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Initially finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia, was originally developed in 1992 by drug giant Merck as a treatment for men with enlarged prostate glands and sold as the drug Proscar. Propecia was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1997, and at that time Merck noted that a few men reported sexual side effects during clinical trials of the drug.

In 2011, the FDA mandated a label change for Propecia and Proscar, the drug used to treat benign enlargement of the prostate gland, warning that some patients reported erectile dysfunction that lasted after patients stopped taking it; in April, the agency updated the label to include reports of libido, ejaculation and orgasm disorders.
But researchers say many physicians who prescribe finasteride are likely not aware that the side effects of the drug may haunt patients for years.

So what should a young man with early hair loss do?
First, more research will likely be needed before doctors can know for sure that the symptoms are completely attributed to the drug. At the present time doctors have no way of knowing which patients will suffer the long-term side effects. It’s possible that an unknown genetic factor drives how individual men respond to the drug.

Erectile dysfunction is more than just testosterone. There are so many things that go into the male erectile response. You have to be very careful before you attribute it to one cause, like Propecia.

Although there are doctors who would not advise men to take this drug to treat a cosmetic problem like hair loss, many physicians continue to prescribe Propecia.

Bottom Line: I think each man needs to have a discussion with his physician about the sexual side effects of Propecia before taking the medication. After all the FDA said only 36 of 945 men who took Propecia in clinical trials reported any adverse sexual side effects. The number of men who will experience these long-lasting side effects is relatively small, likely around 3 percent of all men who take the drug. Between ED and baldness-I’d rather pass on both problems!

Viagra Has Competitor -Stendra Provides An Erection In 15 Minutes

May 2, 2012

Look out Viagra – there’s a new erectile dysfunction drug in town.  Stendra  has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration making it the first ED drug to come out in almost 10 years.

Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are all effective erectile dysfunction drugs but Stendra may work faster-15 minutes!

Men who have a successful result with Viagra, Levitra or Cialis need not change to Stendra.  There are certain advantages and disadvantages to all of these drugs.

A small minority of patients experienced side effects after taking Stendra, which include headaches, flushing, nasal congestion and back pain.

Stendra, like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, should be avoided in men using nitroglycerin. 

A New Pill That Will Put Power Into Your Potency

August 27, 2011

I am often asked if there is anything new for treating erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence. Now there is a new pill that may be helpful for those suffering from ED. Staxyn is a new oral tablet that contains the same ingredients as Levitra but is used as a tablet that dissolves on the tongue.

Staxyn helps increase blood flow to the penis, so it may help men with ED get and keep an erection that lasts long enough for sexual activity. Once a man has stopped sexual activity, blood flow to his penis decreases, and his erection goes away.
It is suggested that you take Staxyn about an hour before sexual activity. The tablet is place on the tongue where it will dissolve rapidly. The tablet should be taken whole and not crushed or split. The tablet should not be taken with liquid. The tablet may be taken with or without food. It is not recommend to take more than one Staxyn a day.
Forget the Rumors
Staxyn will not give you an instant erection; you’ll need to be sexually stimulated for it to work.
The medication not leave you erect for hours. If an erection lasts more than 4 hours, get medical help right away to prevent lasting damage that may make future erections difficult or impossible.
No the drug will not make you have a stiff tongue. It’s mechanism of action is on the blood supply to the penis and not the tongue!
No, no, with nitrates
Do not take Staxyn if you take any medications called ”nitrates” (often used to control chest pain, also known as angina). Nitrates may cause abnormally low blood pressure and Staxyn may increase that risk.

Bottom Line: Erectile dysfunction is a common problem affecting millions of American men. Help is available. You don’t have to suffer the “tragedy of the bedroom”.